The Fate of Humanity Rests in...COMIC SHOPS!

On March 11, Captain Trips will be unleashed on the world in a new way.   The Stand: Captain Trips Premiere Hardcover, collecting the first critically-acclaimed graphic fiction adaptation of Stephen King's seminal novel.  This highly anticipated graphic novel will be released exclusively to comic shops nation wide.  For more on this, we spoke with David Gabriel, Senior VP, Sales & Circulation

What exactly does this collection contain?

"This hardcover collects the entire The Stand: Captain Trips limited series, an incredible adaptation by the creative team of writer Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa (TV's BIG LOVE), Eisner-nominated artist Mike Perkins, and Eisner-winning colorist Laura Martin, and comes with two different covers.  One is by legendary artist Lee Bermejo and the other is a special limited gatefold cover by Mike Perkins.  Beautiful stuff!

Sounds great!  Where can we get them?

"Both editions are available ONLY in comic shops across the country, and through online comics and collected editions sellers. To celebrate, we're having a special Stand Advance Release Opening on March 11."

How do I find my local comic shop?

"Through the Comic Shop Locator hotline (1-888-comicbook ) and website (, anyone in the country can pick up a phone and call to find a comic shop near them and purchase the book from that store."

What if I don't have a comic shop near me?  Can we get them at bookstores or online retailers?

"For those folks who don't have a store near them, they'll be able to easily locate an online retailer such as and order the book online.  It should be fairly straightforward. For all of this and more information, you can go to a special Marvel webpage devoted entirely to The Stand: Captain Trips HC.  The address for that is"

Thank you, Mr. Gabriel!  As Marvel readies to unleash THE STAND: CAPTAIN TRIPS in graphic novel form, make sure you are prepared for the hottest release this year!

THE STAND: CAPTAIN TRIPS Premiere Hardcover will be available on March 11th. 

The book can be purchased in one three easy ways:

Visit: to order online

Visit: to find a comic shop new you

Visit: for more information and answers to your questions

Visit: for additional information and media elements


Copyright 2009 (All rights reserved)

Artwork Copyright 2009 Marvel Inc. (All rights reserved)
 Used with permission

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